Click on this Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in Chile; concerning the Quake Alarm.
Thompson Lang
'the 911 monster'

Mesothelioma victims click on the asbestos sign, for help

Agreement |
The ARTI International Co-operative
Agreement - Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus
The Copp Resolution States :
That International rescue teams shall not be hindered or prevented from saving lives and that all rescue shall be
de-politicized to reduce human suffering.
Uluslararasi kurtarma timleri hayat kurtarmada geciktirilemez, engellenemez ve insanlarin aci çekmesini azaltmak için politize
Kurtarma organizasyonuna , tam üyelik sartlarina uygun olarak uluslararasi büyük facialarda diger üyelerle birlikte çalismalar
Hayat kurtarmaya kendini adamis diger kardes kuruluslarla tam bir isbirligi
Teknik egitim ve uzmanlik degisimi yapmak .
To become affiliated rescue organizations with full membership
privileges and to work together as a joint team at international major disasters.
To cooperate fully as brother organization dedicated to saving lives
To exchange technical training and expertise.
The team representatives sign and attest to this agreement as an agreement between themselves and the members of their respective national teams.
Takim temsilcileri bu maddeleri kendi aralarinda ve kendi ulusal üyeleri adina imzalar ve
United States Of America
Mr Douglas F Copp,
Executive Director of Director of the American Rescue Team International
Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus
Mr Kemal Bay
Executive Director of the TRNC - SAR, Kuzey Kibris Türk Cumhuriyeti Arama Kurtarma Timi.
Dominion Of Canada
Mr. Kurt Schmidt
Canadian Rescue Team Coordinator of the The American Rescue Team International
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Triangle Of Life
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The American Rescue Team International
PO Box 237, 236 West Portal Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94127, USA
Tel 1-415-533-2231
© ARTI,Available to those who support our humanitarian work and standing up to those who defamed us for revenge. ARTI endorses the triangle of life and scorn those who endanger children's lives by promoting 'duck and cover.
Doug Copp, Home address: 563 Charlote St, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, B1P-1E6, Home Phone 1-902-567-1227,Personal Email:, 1985 - 2005 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or
in part without the express permission of the copyright holder is strictly
forbidden. Just ask!!
American Rescue Team International is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. Organized and duly constituted under the laws of the State of California since 1985. At international disasters we were called the `American Rescue Team' because we were the only Americans saving lives at foreign disasters, the name stuck!
Site maintained by ARTI
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