Click on this Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in Chile; concerning the Quake Alarm.
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Quake Alarm |
Quake Alarm
Nov 2005. Quake Alarm is the only product endorsed by ARTI. It does for earthquakes what smoke detectors did for fires. It costs $20 -30. It will provide you with enough warning of an earthquake to save your life. ARTI has given them to Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Generals to protect their office and home.
In one instance it saved the lives of an entire school of children, in Mexico. The children were all outside, in lines watching as their school completely collapsed, in front of them. After this event the Governor of this region used 3 Quake Alarms, one for office, one for the bedroom and another for hotel trips.
It works. It saves lives. We recommend it highly.
Click on the top Quake Alarm to go to the Quake Alarm website.
Click on the bottom Quake Alarm and you will link to a recent doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in Chile; concerning the Quake Alarm.
click here
'Quake Alarm': Watch the video. The Quake Alarm does for earthquakes what smoke detectors do for fires. It costs less than $20 wholesale; is simple to use; requires a 9 Volt battery, to work and it has ALREADY SAVED AN ENTIRE SCHOOL OF CHILDREN. The children watched from outside, in safety, as their school collapsed, into a complete heap of rubble. Instead of, the usual 2% survival rate; 100% of the children survived.
ARTI has been giving Quake Alarms as presents, to world leaders, for years. The Quake Alarm protects the Maharao Pragmalji III, in his Palace, in Gujarat, India. It is in the Presidential Compound, in Peru. The General of the Armed Police of China has one. It protects the Ministry of Civil Defense Headquarters, in The People's Republic of China. The Governor of Jalisco, Mexico keeps one in his bedroom, one in his office and another in his suitcase to protect him when travelling. A litany of USA and Canadian Embassies are protected by Quake Alarm.
The Quake Alarm activates and warns you before earthquake damage takes place. This gives you the time to get yourself into a survivable void or 'triangle of life'.
Quake Alarm plus the 'triangle of life' means survival.
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The American Rescue Team International
PO Box 237, 236 West Portal Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94127, USA
Tel 1-415-533-2231
© ARTI,Available to those who support our humanitarian work and standing up to those who defamed us for revenge. ARTI endorses the triangle of life and scorn those who endanger children's lives by promoting 'duck and cover.
Doug Copp, Home address: 563 Charlote St, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, B1P-1E6, Home Phone 1-902-567-1227,Personal Email:, 1985 - 2005 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or
in part without the express permission of the copyright holder is strictly
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American Rescue Team International is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. Organized and duly constituted under the laws of the State of California since 1985. At international disasters we were called the `American Rescue Team' because we were the only Americans saving lives at foreign disasters, the name stuck!
Site maintained by ARTI
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