Click on this Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in Chile; concerning the Quake Alarm.
Thompson Lang
'the 911 monster'

Mesothelioma victims click on the asbestos sign, for help

Mexico City |
Mexico City Earthquake '85

1) ARTI was sent to Mexico City by the Mexican Ambassador to the United Nations
with our first diplomatic papers and flown by the National Airline, 'Mexicana',
free of charge. Behind the tree is a whole street of collapsed skyscrapers. On a
visit to Mexico City, in 1996 it was noted that these empty skyscrapers are
still destroyed. It would cost too much to demolish them; hence, they stay as

2) These slabs from a theater lined the street. Thanks to the US Embassy for
providing transportation and chauffeur for the eleven days Copp crawled through
rubble. ARTI was founded upon return to the USA.
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Triangle Of Life
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The American Rescue Team International
PO Box 237, 236 West Portal Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94127, USA
Tel 1-415-533-2231
© ARTI,Available to those who support our humanitarian work and standing up to those who defamed us for revenge. ARTI endorses the triangle of life and scorn those who endanger children's lives by promoting 'duck and cover.
Doug Copp, Home address: 563 Charlote St, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, B1P-1E6, Home Phone 1-902-567-1227,Personal Email:, 1985 - 2005 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or
in part without the express permission of the copyright holder is strictly
forbidden. Just ask!!
American Rescue Team International is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. Organized and duly constituted under the laws of the State of California since 1985. At international disasters we were called the `American Rescue Team' because we were the only Americans saving lives at foreign disasters, the name stuck!
Site maintained by ARTI
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