Kobe, Japan

1) FEMA, The Los Angeles Fire Dept., The American General in Charge of 35,000 US
troops in Asia... and others offered assistance. They were ALL refused. Only
ARTI was authorized by the Japanese Government to rescue victims in Japan. This
is the 5th time the US Government has offered assistance, been refused and ARTI
has been accepted. ARTI now has 300 diplomatic documents as 'the world's most
experienced rescue team' without any political or ulterior motives other than
simply saving lives. This is a group photo of some of ARTI's team, in Kobe.

2) ARTI Chief checks for entry point in the collapsed main train station. This
is where we crawled in.

3) ARTI team member. Which way is up?

4) ARTI inside the train station. See for yourself.... it was a mess.

5) ARTI crawled over this broken Glass for 200 ft. Nobody got a cut. We teach
teams around the world how to do it.

6) Copp crawled 800 ft. in a space 2 ft high. Copp was wet from freezing rain
crawling on this cold concrete resulted in Copp getting pneumonia.

7) A Japanese assistant to ARTI. This picture was taken by Copp. Copp on the
slab was taken by him.

8) ARTI with the Japanese Fire Dept, uncovering a squashed body under the floor

9) The bodies were lined up outside. The blankets covered the victims out of
consideration for the families of the victims.

10) Kobe had 300 BILLION DOLLARS damage. This disaster disproved the nonsense
from the American Agencies that modern buildings don't collapse. ARTI had tried
to give them a dose of reality on this point for years. Moving mountains is a
lot easier than moving USA bureaucracy. This is the ground floor of a
skyscraper. We have 300 pictures of Kobe. Kobe Construction is vastly superior
to Californian construction. If this Earthquake happened in San Francisco there
would not be a single building left standing; including, ALL the Fire Stations.

11) This is inside an apartment... inside of a collapsed apartment building. We
popped up like gophers inside of this void. We crawled under a slab 200-ft away
to get here. We took a 15-minute rest break here. It is amazing what a human
being can adapt to.