Click on this Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in Chile; concerning the Quake Alarm.
Thompson Lang
'the 911 monster'

Mesothelioma victims click on the asbestos sign, for help

Greece |
Earthquake in Kaalamatta, Greece

1) Doug Copp, ARTI Chief Inside of collapsed building. Doug saved the lives of 2
members of the French Rescue Team 'Action D'Urgence International' in this hole.

2) Reaching for a body. Greeks, Germans and ARTI working together at a collapsed
apartment building.

3) The outside of the pancaked apartment building ARTI crawled through.

4) Talking with the press for European Magazines.

5) Working at night. The German Rescue Team, THW stands by. ARTI Chief explains
a fine point to Manos Cristakos of the Greek Ministry of Earthquake
Plannification. Manos is one of the very best civil defense experts in the
world. He also has a lot of 'guts', determination and worked for several days
non-stop to save lives. He is truly a Greek Hero.

6) Other parts of the City. Massive destruction beyond the experience of the
United States. Ever been in a city with out a single building left standing?
ARTI has.

7) Mental Anguish. This woman is a survivor of death. She worked in Germany as a
'guestworker' for 20 years doing menial labor. The money she saved bought her a
comfortable old age. This case and 2 garbage bags are all she has left.
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The American Rescue Team International
PO Box 237, 236 West Portal Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94127, USA
Tel 1-415-533-2231
© ARTI,Available to those who support our humanitarian work and standing up to those who defamed us for revenge. ARTI endorses the triangle of life and scorn those who endanger children's lives by promoting 'duck and cover.
Doug Copp, Home address: 563 Charlote St, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, B1P-1E6, Home Phone 1-902-567-1227,Personal Email:, 1985 - 2005 All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in whole or
in part without the express permission of the copyright holder is strictly
forbidden. Just ask!!
American Rescue Team International is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. Organized and duly constituted under the laws of the State of California since 1985. At international disasters we were called the `American Rescue Team' because we were the only Americans saving lives at foreign disasters, the name stuck!
Site maintained by ARTI
For any questions regarding this website please email