To: Membership@TEERS.ORG From: Subject: ARTI Operational Resume ARTI Operational Team Member Resume Please complete this resume and e-mail it to David Pottier, ARTI's Logistics Manager using the format above. Operational Membership in the American Rescue Team International is not easy to obtain. We receive hundreds of requests from all over the world. All Operational resumes will be reviewed by an international team of Adjudicators. The Adjudication Team will contact you via e-mail to discuss your application during the investigation process. Personal Information 1. E-Mail-Address: (Important!!) [ ] 2 .Tell us, in a few words, why you want to join the American Rescue Team International? " 3. Do you have a criminal record? [ ] 4 .If "Yes" please explain nature of the record and the circumstance. All Operational Members will be investigated so please be honest: 5. Name: 6. Address 1: [Home] 7. Address 2: [Work] 8. Phone Numbers [Home] [ ] [Work] [ ] [Fax] [ ] 9. Your Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YY) 10. Your Place of Birth: 11. Your Citizenship: 12. Acquired Rescue and/or Other Usefull Skills - Give a brief one or two sentence description of the skills that you will bring to the team. 13. Education Background - Please fill in your educational background. List at least one school you attended. School: [ ] Major: [ ] Degree: [ ] Year of Graduation: [ ] GPA: [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- School: [ ] Major: [ ] Degree: [ ] Year of Graduation: [ ] GPA: [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- School: [ ] Major: [ ] Degree: [ ] Year of Graduation: [ ] GPA: [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- School: [ ] Major: [ ] Degree: [ ] Year of Graduation: [ ] GPA: [ ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Rescue History Please fill in the name of previous rescue teams that you have served with, your job title, the dates you served (MM/YY format), and a brief description of your responsibilities. Fill in at least one. Rescue Team I: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Team II: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Team III: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Team IV: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Team V: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rescue Team VI: Job Title: From: 19 To: 19 Description of Duties: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Additional Information Use this area to write any additional information you may wish to include on your resume (e.g. - additional skills, strengths, abilities, etc.).